Honolulu Psychologists helping TEENS.

Being a teen is one of the hardest times in life and people just don't seem to get that. You feel as though your parents don't understand anything about you and all eyes are on you to see if you will make the cut in every area of your life - be it with your soccer team, your math grades, the style of your new threads, or your mom's weekly room inspection. It's hard, and all the pressure is on you. To make it worse, some of us are attacked with acne, boyfriend problems, betrayal by your BFF, choices to drink or smoke or have sex before we're really sure we're ready. 

Besides all that, more and more kids are faced with bullying. Whether it's cyberbullying or the kind you have to deal with in and around school, bullying can be a harsh matter. So many teens today know of someone who's getting bullied or is having to deal with it themselves. Not having the support you need to help a troubled friend or knowing exactly how to protect yourself makes the going all that much more tough.... and you know what, you don't have to do it alone!

Sometimes it's hard to know what to do. Confiding in your friends isn't helping, while talking to your parents is far from reality. So where do you go? At Gova Counseling your problems are our problems and we can definitely help. Not only will you feel like someone is finally listening and hearing what you have to say, but our team is committed to helping you solve the problems in your life. You may have to do some of the dirty work with us, but you'll have dedicated professionals on your side to make your life better for you!

Of all the people on the planet we know more than anyone just how frustrating it can be to have your parents blame you when they don't have a clue, have your friends totally misunderstand you, or just feel crappy about life. No matter what the problem, whether you're having anxiety in social situations, or difficulty with cutting , drinking, bullying, or even thoughts of suicide, we can help! At GoVa Counseling we get it and we care! So give us a call and we'll be right by your side in no time!